Swedish biggest parkour / freerunning company. We had a dream to live on doing parkour, today...we just kick ass.
onsdag 29 oktober 2008
tisdag 28 oktober 2008
went great!
The job for Kullaflyg went great despite the early morning issue. Hopefully my audition will result in something to and if everything go as planned you'll se what I'm about to do!
Today we recorded a little interview for Favorit as I've been telling you before..
Forgot to throw the pictures into the computer but I'll upload some pictures for you as soon as I can!
söndag 26 oktober 2008
reading scripts
Yesterday we were in Göteborg shooting the promofilm for the movie "skills" that we'll be shooting summer 2009. Marcus plays one of the main characters which means he's got a whole lot of lines to remember. To read scripts is somewhat new to us, but it was a really fun day! My whole body aces today though, hopefully it'll pass until tomorrow on our first show..which by the way starts at 06.10 in the morning! let's hope we can stay awake ;)
lördag 25 oktober 2008
at least three
So today we're in Göteborg, doing preparations for a movie..we'll tell you more about that when the shooting starts.
Marcus is acting right now and I'm simply laughing...It just looks so funny when a guy that really has no acting skills is faced with a real actor!
Anyway, we'll stay here all day, tomorrow we're free and this monday we've got more missions to come that we'll tell you about ;)
here's some pictures from different jobs we've done this year!
Marcus is acting right now and I'm simply laughing...It just looks so funny when a guy that really has no acting skills is faced with a real actor!
Anyway, we'll stay here all day, tomorrow we're free and this monday we've got more missions to come that we'll tell you about ;)
here's some pictures from different jobs we've done this year!
fredag 24 oktober 2008
here's some pictures from our training days in England! In the picture at the bottom you can see the group 3run and in the picture above we've got ilibaca, livewire and ryan doyle..and me and Marcus of course..
sorry about the bad update, we've got a lot of things going on right now. Tomorrow we'll be heading off for Göteborg, tell you more about that later!
tisdag 21 oktober 2008
Parkour is great because of the fact that anybody can do it despite limited material stuff..you practically just need some fantasy and you're ready to go!
A little piece of advice however is to start out on small heights and soft areas. A gymnastics hall is to be prefered in the beginning. A couple of weeks ago you could read about a kid in Sweden who was trying to do parkour from a rooftop and fell about 7 meters..fortunatly he made it without serious injuries.
Parkour is one of a kind, but your body is also a one of a kind! If you're lucky you only get the small scratch Marcus got
Long time ago
måndag 20 oktober 2008
söndag 19 oktober 2008
Spent a couple of days at grannys house.. soooo cosy! She had tons of apples and was planning on baking apple pies that would last for an entire year it seemed.
Me and Granny D got a special bond to eachother..we make deals..this time I promised to help out in the garden on one condition; Granny must pose for the camera with the AW-tshirt on!
Granny did pretty well don’t you think ;)
This weekend has been, well how can I put it..somewhat unhealthy.. hard practise will therefore be priority number one for a looooong time now ..
torsdag 16 oktober 2008
need SUMMER!!!!!!!
found a picture that was taken in may this year..life was just sooooo much more enjoyable when spring kicked in and one just knew that sooooon the summer will be hereeee...but no, instead of having a great summer we have october..october in Sweden means that one can practically drown from all the rain splashing down on you..
so anyway, heres a picture from may..when the sun did'nt set until 20.55
onsdag 15 oktober 2008
in lack of anything else..

well not much going on today..we were in the local newspaper and earlier today Marcus did an interview
We really hope you have'nt missed our t-shirts ;) if you however in some mysterious way managed to avoid the t-shirts, click at the link below and check them and our friends out ;)
tisdag 14 oktober 2008
too bad..
We were pretty unlucky today unfortunately. We have been very excited about training with the police and today was the big day…but as we said, we were very unlucky.
Just fifteen minutes before we were suppose to begin the whole team had to rush away (and yeah we really mean RUSH AWAY!) and our practice will be moved to another day. We later found out that it had to do with a hostage drama so no wonder we weren’t priority number one ;)
Anyway, here’s a picture of our cute manager being VERY busy with air wipps paperwork! Keep it up Emil ;) I look pretty busy too..
måndag 13 oktober 2008

All of you who’s got the possibility to read Helsingborgs Dagblad have hopefully not missed us. If you however don’t have access to the paper you can find both the interview and cool pictures at http://hd.se/helsingborg/2008/10/13/parcour/
Today I’m probably just going to work out a bit in the gym and later meet up with our manager. I’ll try my best to take a photo of him so that people can recognize his pretty face once they see it ;)
söndag 12 oktober 2008
lördag 11 oktober 2008
todays priority: parkour

So today I’ll be heading off for malmö (a city close to Helsingborg) to meet some friends and simply have fun while doing what we love; parkour ;) lets just hope that we won’t get soaking wet .. nowadays it’s always raining
Yesterday one could find us in the Swedish newspaper “Dagens nyheter”. Tomorrow we’re going to meet “Helsingborgs dagblad” for an interview. Last but not least, this Tuesday the practise with the S.W.A.T team will begin!!!
By the way, check out this video (if you’ve got a facebook)
fredag 10 oktober 2008
if anybody in Sweden was awake this morning (we were not) you could hear Rix fm talk about the world parkour championship and mention us ;) hopefully just good stuff ;)
torsdag 9 oktober 2008
you guys can also check us out at www.sydsvenskan.se
once you've found the website, look in the column to the right
a bit hard to understand the swedish however but you can still check the video out
once you've found the website, look in the column to the right
a bit hard to understand the swedish however but you can still check the video out
onsdag 8 oktober 2008
well then :D
It is now confirmed! Air-wipp will be helping the Swedish S.W.A.T team out next week already! We can assure you the practise will be tough but ohh boy what a great time we're gonna have!
We’ll try to shoot some pictures, if the team is willing to pose for the camera ;)
Today is just an ordinary day and strenght will be the main focus on practise today. A whole lot of rehab will probably be squeezed in to todays schedule as well..
We’ll try to shoot some pictures, if the team is willing to pose for the camera ;)
Today is just an ordinary day and strenght will be the main focus on practise today. A whole lot of rehab will probably be squeezed in to todays schedule as well..
tisdag 7 oktober 2008
swedens s.w.a.t???
There's no need to rush anything but we are really excited about this so we just have to tell!!!
During the days we spent time in Germany we got an offer from the Swedish S.W.A.T team! They’re interested in letting air-wipp help them out with their practise. This far nothing is for sure but what a great experience though if we do get to help them out! Help out with the S.W.A.T teams training? How cool is that?
During the days we spent time in Germany we got an offer from the Swedish S.W.A.T team! They’re interested in letting air-wipp help them out with their practise. This far nothing is for sure but what a great experience though if we do get to help them out! Help out with the S.W.A.T teams training? How cool is that?
måndag 6 oktober 2008
The Asics World Parcouring Championship.

As I mentioned we travelled to Hamburg last Thursday. Our navigator was out of function once we reached Germany and Marcus failed to notice the ENOURMOUS signs that said “Rödby putt garden”. Well there’s a good start we thought, we won’t even find the place!
However we managed to arrive at 18.00 and met all the guys who were to participate in the championship. We truly had a blast and catched up with both new people and some old friends.
The Event was well organized but the weather became an issue though. The rain resulted in a lot of waiting for the ground and course to dry.
You could compete in two categories; speed and style.
Filip found the speed cool and funny and managed to maintain the same pace throughout the whole course which was over 250 meters containing obstacles. Marcus also did great the first 5 but became tired at the end and lost some speed because of that.
After competing in the speed contest, the style contest followed. Here’s our results:
Filip: Backspring WippWipp (yeaaah, go air-WIPP), jump from small area, directly front spring, back spring 360 and gainer.
POINTS: 8,8,8
Marcus: gainer 360, devil side drop, inverted flip, back flip 360.
POINTS: 9,9,9
We both scored extremely high considering the judges had strict demands.
The next day the rain fell over us once again and we started to discuss whether we should compete further or not. The slippery ground could result in injuries we simply can’t afford to have.
Filip decided to skip the style competition because of the high risk factor. He was however placed third in the speed competition! Marcus on the other hand decided differently and simply went for it….big! As a result to that he shared first place with another kid from Bulgaria!
Air-wipp is enormously satisfied with the results and we want to thank everybody involved in the event, both for letting us participate and for letting us have a really great time!
lördag 4 oktober 2008
finally, we're on our way
This Thursday we were finally loading our stuff into the car and headed off for Germany!!
Extremely exciting!!!
Everything has been going great with the competition, today both me and Marcus will compete in the finals.
We’ve both been lucky; no remarkable injuries this far so we’re just keeping our fingers crossed that we don’t screw anything up now!
We’ll update pics and videos as soon as we arrive home!
// Flippad and Zyrk
Extremely exciting!!!
Everything has been going great with the competition, today both me and Marcus will compete in the finals.
We’ve both been lucky; no remarkable injuries this far so we’re just keeping our fingers crossed that we don’t screw anything up now!
We’ll update pics and videos as soon as we arrive home!
// Flippad and Zyrk
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