Swedish biggest parkour / freerunning company. We had a dream to live on doing parkour, today...we just kick ass.
söndag 30 november 2008
fredag 28 november 2008
Brilliant Idea!
I just saw that I've totally forgotten to tell you about my new brilliant idea! One day every week, say Friday for example, I'll upload a very short video from one of my trainings that week in particular. Nothing fancy, just to give you a little insight of what I do during the days.
This idea I'll probably start working on in about a week but if you want to check out edited videos go to my youtube channel:
And by the way, if you got any questions or request just write a comment right here in the blog or go to and write in our guestbook!
This idea I'll probably start working on in about a week but if you want to check out edited videos go to my youtube channel:
And by the way, if you got any questions or request just write a comment right here in the blog or go to and write in our guestbook!
torsdag 27 november 2008
What I use!

Hello Everybody!
People keep asking me (Filip, Flippad, Ljungberg) what kind of video editing program I use and what type of computer I work with.
I just bought a new computer. If you’re as nerdy as I am and wants to now all the dirty details, check this out:
2 * Kingston ValueR. DDR2 PC6400 4096MB CL5,
Kit w/two matched ValueRAM 2048MB DDR2 1.00 334490 Komplett Gamer i05
Cooler Master Centurion 534 Svart,
Aluminium Front (utan nätagg)
MSI P7N SLI-FI, nForce-750i SLI, ATX,
Socket-775, DDR2, Firew, 2xPCI-Ex(2.0)16
Intel Core? 2 Quad Q8200 2,33GHz,
Socket 775, 4MB, 1333MHz, Boxed w/Fan
Sony NEC Optiarc DVD±RW burner AD-5200A,
USB2 multikortläsare 3.5" svart för
CF I/II,SM,MMC/SD/microSD,MS,xD (bulk)
Fortron Source Blue Storm II 500W,Active
PFC, 4xSATA, ATX, 2xPCI-E, 20/24pin
Samsung SpinPoint F1 500GB SATA2,
16MB 7200RPM 1.00
XFX GeForce 9800GT 670M 512MB XXX GDDR3,
PCI-Express 2.0, 2xDVI/HDCP, 670/1950MHz
The question that is always asked is whether you should use PC or Mac. I believe it’s different from person to person. Either you like to work with PC or you prefer Mac, as simple as that. I’m definitlly a PC guy despite the fact that Mac, and let’s face it, gives you less problems. However I’ve become very attached to my computer and can get my work done faster and more effective on that one.
The reason for my extra ram memory is simple; I use a lot of programs that requires it and the same as for the processor. Many program however doesn’t support quad processor today but I believe it will in the future so I figured I might as well take it now.
When it comes to editing programs there are 4 populare ones:
• Viva
• Final Cut ( Mac)
• Sony Vegas 8.0 Pro
• Adobe Premier
I use Sony Vegas Pro 8.0 C. The program is very easy to use and powerful as well! You can really enter deeply into the program and make the movies look almost professional. The “drop and drag” function in Vegas is extremely good and the program can also handle almost every format in the time line. If you’ve got a movie from you phone, Quicktime, Mpeg etc. you easily just drop it right in there!
Here’s a good link for beginners:
onsdag 26 november 2008
Just finished!
We just finished our show, it went great, got really good response!
We're working on a new pretty fun idea for the blog, tell you more about that later!
got to dash now! Talk to you later!
We're working on a new pretty fun idea for the blog, tell you more about that later!
got to dash now! Talk to you later!
tisdag 25 november 2008
So we've just arrived home from the meeting with SVT. All the artists that are suppose to perform at the event was there. The meeting was pretty basic and we were told how much money we're suppose to raise 200 million SEK which is about 20 million Euros..that's a whole lot of money! It's not a lot of money per person though so if you do the math, the whole swedish population only have to give about 2 euros and the goal has been reached!
Tomorrow morning (EARLY tomorrow morning) we're doing a show for Sydvatten. Hopefully it'll go well!
Tomorrow morning (EARLY tomorrow morning) we're doing a show for Sydvatten. Hopefully it'll go well!
Sometimes the lack of inspiration can prevent you from doing what your body is actually able to do. This happens from time to time if you're a traceur. You know that you've got all the abilities that it takes but still you don't know what to do or where to do it.
My first advice is to find cool spots and by that I mean places where you can do many moves. Parkour is mainly being done outdoors which means the possibilities are huge. I for example used to climb a lot of trees and I love lamppost!

Take a walk once in a while and try to see the possibilities! Everything is one big playground, use it!
By the way, later today we'll be having the meeting I told you about yesterday. I'll tell you all about it tonight!
My first advice is to find cool spots and by that I mean places where you can do many moves. Parkour is mainly being done outdoors which means the possibilities are huge. I for example used to climb a lot of trees and I love lamppost!
Take a walk once in a while and try to see the possibilities! Everything is one big playground, use it!
By the way, later today we'll be having the meeting I told you about yesterday. I'll tell you all about it tonight!
måndag 24 november 2008
Monday it is
Not much going on today but tomorrow however I'm having a meeting with the swedish tv channel SVT. They're planning an event for charity and wanted Airwipp to be part of some performances. I'll give you specific details on that one tomorrow!
Also wanted to remind you guys about our t-shirts! If you're interested just visit our website: (there are tshirts without the website on the back available)

Also wanted to remind you guys about our t-shirts! If you're interested just visit our website: (there are tshirts without the website on the back available)
fredag 21 november 2008
onsdag 19 november 2008
just a little tip!
It's hard to get good pictures out of parkour. The fast movements and often, or always, the outdoor locations results in pretty bad pictures. To make things easier of course you first find a good spot to let the camera be put in and then decide from which angle the best shots can be taken..not always as easy as it sounds!

Here's a cool angle and pretty much perfect timing..
With a somewhat good camera one can however get awesome pictures! We also love to use our fish eye for pretty much everything, both movies and photos. Extremely cool effect especially for parkour pictures.


Here's a cool angle and pretty much perfect timing..
With a somewhat good camera one can however get awesome pictures! We also love to use our fish eye for pretty much everything, both movies and photos. Extremely cool effect especially for parkour pictures.
tisdag 18 november 2008
Sensation white
Last Saturday I took a day off from parkour to do something else; dance! Me and my friends got tickets for Sensation White a long time ago and all of the sudden it was Saturday, the big day! It was incredible, can't put it in words. It was definitely worth all the money that's one thing for sure!
30 000 people having a blast..what a sight!
måndag 17 november 2008
pictures from cityterminalen

Fotograf © Filip Järnehag
If you want to see the videos go to
In 5 days
So I haven't been writing in the blog for 5 days which is pretty bad! It's simply been one hectic week both with work, exercise and spare time.
Worked out in the gym a couple of hours ago and now I just came back from a photo session for Dagens Nyheter. Also remembered that the pictures from one of our latest jobs has not yet been shown! Of course I'll take care of that! It's pictures from the show we did for the Central government administration.
By the way found a really funny website;
At this website you can find the best places for parkour in Sweden. Simply klick at the map and you'll get pictures of places that are located at a certain spot. Everybody can upload places, simply become a member. Great website for a traceur (parkour practician) if one's got problems finding a good spot for example in a different city than your own.

Worked out in the gym a couple of hours ago and now I just came back from a photo session for Dagens Nyheter. Also remembered that the pictures from one of our latest jobs has not yet been shown! Of course I'll take care of that! It's pictures from the show we did for the Central government administration.
By the way found a really funny website;
At this website you can find the best places for parkour in Sweden. Simply klick at the map and you'll get pictures of places that are located at a certain spot. Everybody can upload places, simply become a member. Great website for a traceur (parkour practician) if one's got problems finding a good spot for example in a different city than your own.
Here's an example from the website
torsdag 13 november 2008
Good morning!
Here's the video I've been talking about..ten of those every morning sure will cheer one up!
talk to you later!
talk to you later!
onsdag 12 november 2008
tisdag 11 november 2008
could'nt make it..

so the movie I shot this morning is still messing with me, can't get it into the computer. I'll try tomorrow at the computer at work.
As I told you we had a meeting with Boblbee. Their producing rucksacks that are specially made for certain sports. We're now discussing a cooperation between Airwipp and Boblbee. When things are settled we'll let you know all about it!
Here's some photos Marcus did with Boblbee. Really cool don't you think?
this morning
So I've started doing this thing every morning when I wake up; Handstand. Handstand on my living room carpet. You wake up faster than ever! The computer is messing with me at the moment but I'll upload the video for you later today, do not miss that! It's worth watching..
Just came back from a meeting. I'll tell you more about that later too!
Just came back from a meeting. I'll tell you more about that later too!
måndag 10 november 2008
The trailer, but what about the real thing?
It's been a while since we did " The leatherfactory" and many of you probably wonder when the actual movie will be released. Because of the bad weather we haven't been able to record anything. Outdoor environment is the best place to shoot at and with all the rain it's been way too slippery, we can't risk to get injuries. If we can however put together something good with the material we already have of course we'll give updates on that! That'll result in an extended version once the weather allows us to!
Not Parkour but still!
Good morning everybody! We've got a whole new week to look forward to now. The weather could be better but we'll get cheered up by other things! No workout yesterday which means double doses of movement today!
Got to head out for work now I'll give you updates during the day!
söndag 9 november 2008
this guy is crazy, check out his handstand! After watching this I can't wait to improve my own handstand
this guy is crazy, check out his handstand! After watching this I can't wait to improve my own handstand
clubbing in Sthlm
Finally got some sleep!
Once we've landed in Ängelholm yesterday we were exhausted. After two days of work with barely any sleep we, or at least I, were about to fall asleep while I was driving back to Helsingborg. Despite the fact that I could have slept for 100 years it seemed I managed to have some dinner and go to the movies (saw Burn after reading, pretty good). Woke up about an hour ago so now I'm finally alert again. Not sure if practise will be a part of today, I'll see how I feel later!
I'll upload some more pictures from this weekend for you!
I'll upload some more pictures from this weekend for you!
fredag 7 november 2008
Here's a picture from the grand opening with Filip and Marcus on stage. Filip of course took the oppertunity to climp a bit and helped remove some wires.
Both Marcus and Filip just did an interview about safety in english so soon we'll try to upload the video for you!
In about half an hour there'll be a workshop here at Cityterminalen. Anybody interested is welcome to join!
Live at Cityterminalen!
About an hour ago we did an interview live for the radio station Rix FM. If you were awake by that time you could also see us at (swedish) channel 6, live. A bit nervous but everything went great!
Today Cityterminalen's got their opening which is why Rix FM is doing their live show right here. We'll be here all day and give you updates and for all of you who's in Sthlm, feel free to come and check us out!
You'll hear from us soon
By the way, check out the picture of marcus in our hotelroom last night ;)what do you think?!
torsdag 6 november 2008
Good morning everybody. So our plane lifts at 19.30 tonight which means we've got all day to do some planning. And packing of course..I doubt the packing will be a priority, somehow we always end up packing in the absolute last minute and on top of it all forgets half of our stuff.
So tomorrow morning you'll all be awake we assume to listen to Rix FM (107.2)morgon zoo 06-10.00! For you guys who don't live in Sweden we promise there'll be both photos and videos that you can watch later.
So tomorrow morning you'll all be awake we assume to listen to Rix FM (107.2)morgon zoo 06-10.00! For you guys who don't live in Sweden we promise there'll be both photos and videos that you can watch later.
onsdag 5 november 2008
good morning!
tried to stay up last night to watch the election but I was exhausted after my work out yesterday. Anyway Obama apparently won so I'm satisfied.
So last night I worked out a bit in the gymnastics hall in Höganäs. With that I'm not very satisfied but it'll be better next time.
Stockholm tomorrow! I think I'll bring the computer so that I can give you some daily updates.
Got to hurry up now, can't be late for work!
tisdag 4 november 2008
here's the one that did'nt work and some translation
reporter: what is parkour?
marcus: to get from point A to B as fast and smooth as possible. There's a story about a warrior in Vietnam who's trying to get away from his enemies and the best ways to get away from ones enemies is to jump and run over things and find the easiest path to get away from them.
filip: you've got to find your own way, your own solution. If marcus jumps over the wall in one way I find my own way to do it. It's also important to make your own judgements on wether you can make the jump or not.
marcus: the important thing is not to rush things and for example do those high jumps from 4 metres. It takes training and different amount of time for everybody.
reporter: this thing with parkour, is it fun?
filip: of course it is!
marcus: no it's damn, it's the best thing ever!
safety comes first!
the video we put up before does'nt seem to work so heres another one about safety instead ;)
if parkour is fun? no it's damn boring...
Unfortunately we speak swedish in this clip, we'll try to do some translation for you guys later tonight and uppload a video!
måndag 3 november 2008
Stockholm city
As you know we went to stockholm last week to shoot a commercial movie that'll be rolling on Cityterminalens tv-screens. The videos can be seen at youtube:
This week we'll be heading back to Stockholm, partly for the live show we're doing for cityterminalen and partly for another job we'll tell you later about that will be...well let's say somewhat amusing.
This week we'll be heading back to Stockholm, partly for the live show we're doing for cityterminalen and partly for another job we'll tell you later about that will be...well let's say somewhat amusing.
söndag 2 november 2008
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