Did a show in Lund this morning at a school! Went very well! Afterwards we went straight home to get changed and rushed off to Lund! And what happened in lund? We were on a radio show :) Here's some more specific information..stolen from our website ;)
Air Wipp special guests in Europe´s biggest student radio station!
The radio show Crash Fm invited two of the Air wipp team members to join their show that they broadcast in Lund at Radio Af 99,1 Mhz (www.radioaf.se)
next Monday at 3-4 pm. And in Helsingborg 99,2 Mhz (www.crashfm.se) Thursday 8-9 pm.
Crash Fm-"It´s Just a ride"
A talk show based on the American comedian Bill Hick´s (R.I.P)
He said "that life has it´s up´s and downs"- The talk show that loves too provoke and inspire it´s listeners!
The given reason that Air Wipp was invited was that the show often invites People that contribute too a inspiring life stile filled with Music, Culture, Art and happenings.
Interview's with some of the biggest Rock and Rap groups are broadcast at Crash Fm with bands like Volbeat, Opeth, Danko Jones and Immortal Technique are just some of the artist that have been Air´d on the show.