Yes, it is smelly, it is nerds, it IS DREAMHACK! The worlds largest Computer Festival!
Dreamhack summer have almost 8600 People coming from 5 countries with there own computers to play games for 4 days!
I have talked a lot about the smell, you wanna know why?
Here is the fact (THIS IS FOR REAL) Last year, the showers wasn't free, and it cost 2 Euros to get a shower ticket. Do you wanna know how many people of ( 9000 ) bought shower ticket?
Is you can imagine that the hygiene is not on the top if i say so. Anyway...our job is cool. Me (filip as usual) and Jesper are running around as Symantec Norton anti virus. The job is that people shall film us, put us on youtube and they have a chance to win a computer. Easy! I heard some roomers that is going really well for Marcus and Kellner @ Volvo Ocean Race! WIsh you good luck guys. Over and out, gonna pawne some people now. lol, gratz rolf n00b! h4xx0r!