måndag 29 juni 2009



After ten days in Stockholm we are now back in Helsingborg... In Stockholm, during the Volvo Ocean Race, we did shows every day with PUMA. CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY shows and lovely people and a lot of fun! PUMA had the coolest spot - and the coolest shows...

Thanks to Rickard & Co at PUMA, Thony at Dream8s, Anna and Ellen at kontrastockholm.se, and all the models thats dances with us!!

måndag 15 juni 2009



Yes, it is smelly, it is nerds, it IS DREAMHACK! The worlds largest Computer Festival!

Dreamhack summer have almost 8600 People coming from 5 countries with there own computers to play games for 4 days!

I have talked a lot about the smell, you wanna know why?

Here is the fact (THIS IS FOR REAL) Last year, the showers wasn't free, and it cost 2 Euros to get a shower ticket. Do you wanna know how many people of ( 9000 ) bought shower ticket?


Is you can imagine that the hygiene is not on the top if i say so. Anyway...our job is cool. Me (filip as usual) and Jesper are running around as Symantec Norton anti virus. The job is that people shall film us, put us on youtube and they have a chance to win a computer. Easy! I heard some roomers that is going really well for Marcus and Kellner @ Volvo Ocean Race! WIsh you good luck guys. Over and out, gonna pawne some people now. lol, gratz rolf n00b! h4xx0r!

onsdag 10 juni 2009

Red Bull Art of motion Sweden

After 5 hours of meeting with the whole red bull marketing staff, Air Wipp are the now official holder of the Red Bull Art of motion Sweden Contest.

I can already say now... that this will be the Sickest event of the year. You guys have noooo idea how cool this will be.

We will keep posted everything in detail as soon as we can. We are working on a website atm and there you can follow every step we do!

If there is anyone in Helsingborg (or near) who is training freerunning/parkour Write to us on facebook. We will construct a training place on "gröningen" With boxes to train the whole summer. So if you wanna help us build it, please let us know! More people we are more fun will it be! :)

måndag 8 juni 2009


As the say in English... or say it in swedish: MALMÖ!

Anyway...for couple of days ago we did a show just next to our beloved Öresunds Bridge.

I am currently edeting 3 moves at the same time.
Red Bull art of motion Vienna, My girlfriends birthday and Tutorials.
Hope do be done with everything soon... :)

Meeting today with the whole red bull marketing in helsingborg...For the swedish red bull art of motion! Wooohooo!

torsdag 4 juni 2009



Here are some pictures after working almost 12 hours on a commercial for tetra pak.
Long day, but it was fun! You know... this is a really cool job. I mean... how many people have a job that the really love?

RED CAMERA!!!! <3<3<3<3

måndag 1 juni 2009

No excuse ..

I don't have any excuse for not been writing in the blog...
I have been lazy, and my girldfriend just got back to sweden. She did a wonderful surprise to me. She was actually comming home in 14 days, but she suprise me at my sisters baby baptism!

So that was cool!

Looking in my camera and i am seeing a lot of art of motion pictures..
I get goosebumps when i looking at them. It was just so... wonderful time. Absolutly amazing...
Can't wait to get everybody here to sweden:)

Here is some pictures from my new bar that i got to train on in my apartment. We just got over 1000 fans on our Facebook. So i have prommised that i will do a flyaway in my apartment.. lol.. why am i so stupid.

Speeders Belgium <3

Magnus from Red Bull

David ? Tim

My new bar 1

my bar 2, and btw..the t-shirt is from WFPF.