onsdag 7 april 2010

Take one step.

I (Filip FLiPPAD Laaaa ljungberg) has just returned from one heck of a trip.
I will tell you little bit about it. So i took the flight 19.00 thursday to Vilnius (with is not in Belarus, its in Latvia.)
So anyway, this girl picks me up and also i meet this awesome guy called Terry Brooklin. Really cool dancer and kick as DJ (check is website: www.thebrooklynbomber.com ). We went by car to Minsk and had to wait at the customs for about 5 hours. Then it took us 2 more hours buy car.

The time is now 5 in the morning and i (the lucky one...) go the opportunity to share room with 2 other russians. The only problem with this guys... the DONT SLEEP! So that morning i got about 1 hour of sleep.

We got up early on the morning and went training and had some fun. Later on i went to meet this 3 awesome girls who was sponser for the whole event! We went to a TV show and had a interview in russia... so know i am famous in Bealrus too. Cool hu?

The purpus of this trip was... i was suppose to be a judge. But there was no competition. So we just had a really good jam and did a lot of sick stuff.

So the experience in Belarus was totally awesome and i meet so many new friends. Witch is why i am writing right know.

You know... there is one thing in your life you should always take good care of. And that is your friends. Shit will happen in your life, and thats when you have friends to back you up. I have been blessed and are very happy that i can make a living on what i love the most. I am meeting people from all over the world and have soooo much fun. They tell me that they are inspired by me when it is totally the opposite.

You guys inspire me.

Don't ever waste your days not doing what you dream to do.

1 kommentar:

tuning car sa...

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