tisdag 4 november 2008


here's the one that did'nt work and some translation

reporter: what is parkour?
marcus: to get from point A to B as fast and smooth as possible. There's a story about a warrior in Vietnam who's trying to get away from his enemies and the best ways to get away from ones enemies is to jump and run over things and find the easiest path to get away from them.
filip: you've got to find your own way, your own solution. If marcus jumps over the wall in one way I find my own way to do it. It's also important to make your own judgements on wether you can make the jump or not.
marcus: the important thing is not to rush things and for example do those high jumps from 4 metres. It takes training and different amount of time for everybody.
reporter: this thing with parkour, is it fun?
filip: of course it is!
marcus: no it's damn boring....no, it's the best thing ever!

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